Made exclusively for The Blue Art Barn: handbags that can be used for multiple purposes. A handbag is an identity marker and this is why women often own more than one bag. has handbags and shoulder bags made of very exclusive fabrics from our own collection. Geometrical shapes in various colours. Stylistic droplets and interesting flower patterns decorate these functional bags.
There are handbags that can accompany women to chic events, but there are also shoulder-bags for everyday usage. Since the Art Nouveau and Art Deco bags compliment many outfits, they should not be missing from your wardrobe. These unique, handmade bags seem to come straight out of a haute couture collection; the only difference being that Art Deco Web Store’s bags have a nice, affordable price. Since every bag is made by hand, every single one of them is unique.
Remarkably-shaped shoulder bags can be carried with ease and comfort due to their leather strap. ‘Pouch’ models in the most beautiful Art Nouveau and Art Deco fabrics, available in two sizes. These elegant bags are very suitable for a party, such as a wedding, and they are also perfect for a night out. When going shopping use the practical Bucket Bag: this handbag is large enough for all necessary items and it is also very fashionable.
There are also smaller, elegant handbags or evening purses available. They are made of luxurious fabrics and have leather details. These compact bags are perfect for a visit to a concert, theatre, museum, restaurant or another occasion where the handbag needs to go with a festive and chic outfit.
Art Deco web store has handbags, evening purses and shoulder bags but it also offers stylish office bags / laptop bags and weekend bags. There is a fitting, artistic bag for every occasion. Expressive, subtle, artistic, cheerful or sleek: choose a bag that matches your feeling and the look of your wardrobe.
The handbag Design NATHALIE is striking and very special. This bold handbag is made exclusively for The Blue Art Barn and it is fitted with its own label signed Nathalie. The profit of this bag will be donated entirely to the Dutch Melanoma Foundation. This foundation actively tries to prevent skin cancer. Purchase this bag and support the activities. The bag Design Nathalie is available in various editions and in different price ranges. Whether you like bold, elegant, modern or classic: the NATHALIE bag is fashionable and gives you a good feeling. Give this extraordinary bag to yourself or to a loved one, friend or family member and support the Dutch Melanoma Foundation.